Each season, a variety of small groups are offered to support children and youth’s independence, learning and development. Common groups address play and social skills, fine motor skill development, printing and writing skills, the development of self-regulation, social thinking groups, life skills groups, and healthy eating.
Every attempt is made to match group participants so that they will be able to support each other in developing their strengths and will “fit well together” in a group environment. An initial phone interview with parents/caregivers is scheduled with each family to determine group readiness and fit. If we feel that a child would benefit from a different approach or in another group environment, we will make every effort to assist parents in finding the right fit for their child.
A number of groups are described below. If you are interested in a group, please do not hesitate to contact us. If you have an idea for a group that is not listed below, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Self-Regulation Groups
Alert Program: How Does Your Engine Run?
The ALERT Program: How Does Your Engine Run is a regulation program developed by occupational therapists Mary Sue Williams and Sherry Shellenberger. The Alert Program assists children in understanding the basics of self-regulation. It teaches children how to monitor, maintain, and change their level of alertness so that it is appropriate for a situation or task (not too high, not too low, but just right). The program includes lessons and activities that incorporate sensory processing strategies, as well as cognitive approaches. While the program was initially developed for children 8-12 years of age, both groups will be adapted to meet the needs of the participants. The program provides all children, especially those that are anxious, those that struggle with attention issues, those that are active or shy, with the tools and skills that they need to get their body and minds into a “just-right” gear for learning and paying attention.
Each weekly session is 50 minutes. At the end of each session, parents/caregivers will receive a 10 minute review of the session (run by the professional working with their child). This is the time when parents learn about the skills and strategies taught to their son or daughter and provide ideas on how this information can be carried over at home, school, and in the community. At the completion of the group, each child will be provided with a personalized toolkit of strategies to support their ability to self-regulate at home, school, and within the community.
- Ages: 6-9-year-olds;
- 8 Small Group Sessions (Maximum 4 participants): $400
Where: OuTcomes Therapy Clinic: 2216 Lorne Street, Regina
Zones of Regulation:
The Zones of Regulation, developed by occupational therapist, Leah Kuypers, is a systematic, cognitive behaviour approach used to teach self-regulation by categorizing all the different ways we feel and states of alertness we experience into four concrete zones. The Zones of Regulation curriculum provides strategies to teach students to become more aware of, and independent in controlling their emotions and impulses, managing their sensory needs, and improving the ability to problem solve conflicts. For older children, each weekly session is 50 minutes. For younger children, each session is 45 minutes. At the end of each session, parents/caregivers will receive a 10 minute review of the session (run by the professional working with their child). This is the time when parents learn about the skills and strategies taught to their son or daughter and provide ideas on how this information can be carried over at home, school, and in the community. At the end of the sessions, each child will be provided with a personalized toolkit of strategies to support their ability to self-regulate at home, school, and within the community.
- Ages: 8-12-year-olds;
- 8 Small Group Sessions (Maximum 4 participants): $400
Where: OuTcomes Therapy Clinic: 2216 Lorne Street, Regina
Fine Motor Groups
Fine Motor Bootcamp:
In a highly playful, engaging environment, the focus of this group is to encourage children to develop their fine motor skills through the provision of opportunities to develop hand strength, use tools to cut, colour, draw, and develop their dexterity in a fun, supportive manner. Each session will be entered on a themed book, provide an opportunity to develop a targeted skill, and include additional information and ideas to foster the child’s development of the skill at home. The group will be run by a registered occupational therapist with a maximum ratio of 1:4 participants.
Each session is approximately 50 minutes. At the end of each session, parents/caregivers will receive a 10 minute review of the session (run by the professional working with their child). This is time when parents learn about the skills and strategies taught to their son or daughter and provide ideas on how this information can be carried over at home, school, or within the community.
- Ages: 4-6-year-olds;
- 8 Small Group Sessions (Maximum 4 participants): $400
Where: OuTcomes Therapy Clinic: 2216 Lorne Street, Regina
Handwriting without Tears – Printing Program:
Following the evidence-based program, Handwriting without Tears, this group is for children who have acquired the ability to draw simple shapes such as vertical, horizontal, and diagonal lies and circles and are ready to launch into printing. Sessions will focus on the foundations for productive printing and support the development of a specific letter each session (L F E H T I O D P).
At the end of each 50 minute session, parents/caregivers will receive a 10 minute review of the session (run by the professional working with their child). This is time when parents learn about the skills and strategies taught to their son or daughter and provide ideas on how this information can be carried over at home, school, and in the community.
- Ages: 5-8-year-olds;
- 8 Small Group Sessions (Maximum 4 participants): $400
Where: OuTcomes Therapy Clinic: 2216 Lorne Street, Regina
Princess Printers:
Using concepts from Handwriting without Tears, this group is for children who enjoy the Disney princesses and have acquired the ability to draw simple shapes such as circles and vertical, horizontal, and diagonal lines and are ready to launch into printing. This group will follow a Disney Princess theme and each session will highlight a different Disney Princess to teach a concept or strategy to optimize printing and drawing skills.
At the end of each 50 minute session, parents/caregivers will receive a 10 minute review of the session (run by the professional working with their child). This is time when parents learn about the skills and strategies taught to their son or daughter and provide ideas on how this information can be carried over at home, school, and in the community.
- Ages: 5-8-year-olds;
- 8 Small Group Sessions (Maximum 4 participants): $400
Where: OuTcomes Therapy Clinic: 2216 Lorne Street, Regina
Printing Magic:
Using concepts from Handwriting without Tears, this group is for children who would benefit from additional practice with printing, have an interest in learning magic tricks, and have acquired the ability to draw simple shapes such as circles and vertical, horizontal, and diagonal lines. Each session will highlight “tricks” to optimize printing and will teach a new magic trick that supports their fine and visual motor skill development.
At the end of each 50 minute session, parents/caregivers will receive a 10 minute review of the session (run by the professional working with their child). This is time when parents learn about the skills and strategies taught to their son or daughter and provide ideas on how this information can be carried over at home, school, and in the community.
- Ages: 6-9-year-olds;
- 8 Small Group Sessions (Maximum 4 participants): $400
Where: OuTcomes Therapy Clinic: 2216 Lorne Street, Regina
Loops and Other Groups – Handwriting 101:
This group is for children who would like to develop their handwriting skills. Participant in this group will be introduced to the highly effective, evidenced-based program, Loops and Other Groups developed by occupational therapist, Mary Benbow. Loops and Other Groups uses a kinaesthetic approach to teach handwriting, which allows children to learn letter formation at an automatic level.
At the end of each 50 minute session, parents/caregivers will receive a 10 minute review of the session (run by the professional working with their child). This is time when parents learn about the skills and strategies taught to their son or daughter and provide ideas on how this information can be carried over at home, school, and in the community.
- Ages: 8-12-year-olds;
- 8 Small Group Sessions (Maximum 4 participants): $400
Where: OuTcomes Therapy Clinic: 2216 Lorne Street, Regina
Gross Motor Groups
Learning in Motion:
This popular group is based on three characteristics:
- The program uses a sensory processing mode as a foundation for activity selection.
- Each group session is theme- and literature based. In other words, all activities reflect the theme; in addition, a story is read to the children as part of the session.
- Each group session will provide opportunities for children to have fun and develop multiple skills including sensory processing skills, fine motor skills, visual motor skills, and gross motor skills.
At the end of each 60 minute session, parents/caregivers will receive a 10 minute review of the session (run by the professional working with their child). This is time when parents learn about the skills and strategies taught to their son or daughter and provide ideas on how this information can be carried over at home, school, and in the community.
- Ages: 4-6-year-olds;
- 8 Small Group Sessions (Maximum 4 participants): $400
Where: OuTcomes Therapy Clinic: 2216 Lorne Street, Regina
Social Thinking & Skill Development Groups
Social Thinking Groups:
Each of these sessions will provide opportunities for children to explore concepts and develop tools to address various areas of Social Thinking. Areas of focus for this group include: Perspective taking; Personal Problem Solving; Organizational Skills; Emotional Regulation; and, Social Communication skills for use at home, school, and within the community.
Sessions are individualized to the participant’s needs and creatively taught using the Social Thinking concepts developed by Michelle Garcia Winner. If you are interested in such a group, please contact OuTcomes Therapy to discuss your child’s needs and groups will be formed and designed based on your child’s needs.
At the end of each 50 minute session, parents/caregivers will receive a 10 minute review of the session (run by the professional working with their child). This is time when parents learn about the skills and strategies taught to their son or daughter and provide ideas on how this information can be carried over at home, school, and in the community.
- Ages: 4-6-year-olds; 7-10-year-olds; 11-14-year-olds
- 10 Small Group Sessions (2 Individual Sessions; 8 Small Group Sessions; Maximum 4 participants): $450
Where: OuTcomes Therapy Clinic: 2216 Lorne Street, Regina
Life Skill Groups
iTech Bootcamp: Fostering Independent Living Skills Using Technology
This group provides individuals with the assistance that they need for using iPads, iPods, iPhones, and Visual Timers to gain independence with self-directed daily activities. Hardware, accessories and access tips and tools for making iTechnology systems user-friendly for both students and adults will be shared and explored. Evidence-based practices may include the use of video modelling, visual support, and social narratives to develop visual schedules, visual organization systems and visual directions for any task or activity, including self-regulation, self-help, behaviour management, communications and social relations. For this group, participants must bring an iTech system and (based on their goals) may be asked to download an app or two before the workshop (not to exceed $30) for participation.
- Goals for participants will be co-developed during the initial individual family session prior to the start of the group.
- Ages: 13-19 year-olds; This group is also open to young adults;
- 10 Small Group Sessions (2 Individual Sessions – 1 before and 1 after the group sessions; 8 Small Group Sessions; Maximum 4 participants): $450
Where: OuTcomes Therapy Clinic: 2216 Lorne Street, Regina
Life Skills 101:
Participate in community outings with a group of friends to learn key skills to foster independence. Participants will be guided in planning an activity for the group, using public transportation, managing a budget, preparing a snack, and socializing within the community. This group is a tremendous opportunity to make friends, try new activities in Regina, and learn new skills.
- Goals for participants will be co-developed during the initial individual family session prior to the start of the group.
- Ages: 13-19 year-olds; If there is interest, a young adult group can also be arranged.
- 10 Small Group Sessions (2 Individual Sessions – 1 before and 1 after the group sessions; 8 Small Group Sessions; Maximum 4 participants): $450
Where: OuTcomes Therapy Clinic: 2216 Lorne Street, Regina