Let’s be honest. The role of the student services teacher is hard. It’s even harder with the limited resources here in Saskatchewan.
- There never seems to be enough time.
- You’re torn between wanting the best for your students, following division directives, and building relationships with parents and caregivers.
- You seek balance.
- There is a constant struggle to meet the diverse needs of your students and having a life outside of school.
- You’re constantly searching for elusive resources.
- You spend countless hours and hundreds of dollars searching social media sites and Teachers Pay Teachers looking for the “perfect” resource.
- The administrative tasks are relentless.
- You have a long to do list, a full inbox, and never-ending paperwork.
- You wear all the hats.
- You’re a teacher, social worker, administrator, coach and consultant. Yet, at the end of the day, no seems to know what your role is. Somedays you are unsure yourself.
- You feel stressed, alone, and overwhelmed.
But wait…what if it didn’t have to be this way?
What if you could….

Work Smarter,
Not Harder


Connect with
Enter: The Saskatchewan Student Services Collective
The no-stress online digital membership for Saskatchewan Student Services Teachers who want ready-to-use resources, tools to systematize paperwork, opportunities to connect with colleagues, and strategies to mitigate stress…at their fingertips.
You support your students, parents, and colleagues day-in, and day-out… no matter what it takes.
It’s your turn to get the support you need.
Join your Saskatchewan colleagues to lessen the load of providing student services and streamline your caseload management so you can get back to doing the things you love.
Hi, my name is Louise.
You might be wondering why an OT created the Saskatchewan Student Services Collective…

For the past 22 years, I have enjoyed the opportunity of working in schools as an occupational therapist, student services coordinator, and superintendent of programs and instruction. If you know me…you know I am passionate about education – especially inclusive education.
Over the past few years, I have observed a significant change in education. While there have always been students with additional needs, the pandemic has created a seismic shift. The diversity of needs in classrooms has increased, waitlists for assessments and services are now counted in years, not days or months; and, educators no longer report feeling “tired” and “ready for a holiday” – they report burnout, exhaustion and compassion fatigue.
As a private OT, I receive daily phone calls from parents requesting services. One of their primary concerns: Their child is struggling in school.
Now, I will continue assessing students, writing reports, and consulting with schools.
However, I know there is a better way.
From my years in schools, I have gained tremendous respect for student services teachers. I know when they have the tools and resources they need, classroom teachers and educational assistants access what they need and children succeed.
The challenge is that student services teachers are often isolated, overstretched and overwhelmed.
My hope, through the Saskatchewan Student Services Collective is to reduce this isolation, support the health and well-being of student services teachers through an occupational therapy lens, and to share resources, tools and practices to make the role easier.

Exclusive Resources, Systems, and Strategies

Monthly Professional Development & Stress Management Techniques

Community and Connection in the Member’s Area
All organized into realistic action steps so you never feel overwhelmed
(you have enough of that already).
The Collective Opens August 15th, 2022
On this day members will receive:
- Stress-free Student Services Roadmap for Success
- Student Services All-in-One Manual
- The Teacher Toolkit for Student Services
- TEAM: Your Digital Resource Guide for EAs
- Access to a Growing IIP Goal Bank;
- Stress-free Student Services – The First 30 Days
- Anxiety 101: Strategies to Overcome your Own Anxiety, Perfectionism and Procrastination
- Becoming a One-Minute Manager: Systems for Data Collection and Documentation;
- IIP Binder – Must Have Forms and Templates
Then On the First of Each Month from September to June, Members will Receive:
- Templates, Handouts and Ready-to-Use Resources;
- Guides to help with IIPs, parent communication, team meetings and student-led IIPs;
- On-demand professional development. Topics include:
- Challenging Behaviour, Neurodiversity, Self-Regulation, Life-Skills, Assistive Technology 101, Printing Post-Pandemic, and Executive Functioning to name a few;
- Monthly Health Tips to Optimize Your Health and Well-being as a Student Services Teacher;
- Membership site where participants can post questions to colleagues; and,
- Live Forums to Discuss Hot Topics, Share Resources, and Connect with Colleagues Across the Province.
Investment to Access the Student Services Collective
- Annual Membership from August 2022 – June 2023
- Use Coupon Code EARLYBIRD2022 to Receive $50.00 off between May 29th and June 5th, 2022
- Over 75 Handouts, Templates and Ready-to-Use Resources
- On-Demand Professional Development Updated Monthly
- Monthly Health Topics to Support Your Personal Health and Well-being
- Membership Forum to Connect with Colleagues
- Monthly Live Events to Discuss Hot Topics, Share Resources and Practices, and Connect with Colleagues
- Annual Membership from August 2022 – June 2023
- Use Coupon Code EARLYBIRD2022 to Receive $50.00 off between May 29th and June 5th, 2022
- Over 75 Handouts, Templates and Ready-to-Use Resources
- On-Demand Professional Development Updated Monthly
- Monthly Health Topics to Support Your Personal Health and Well-being
- Membership Forum to Connect with Colleagues
- Monthly Live Events to Discuss Hot Topics, Share Resources and Practices, and Connect with Colleagues
No need to raise your hand…

First thing’s first: We give you a virtual high five (and hope you reciprocate!). The collective will open on Monday, August 15th, 2022. On this day, you will have access to the Membership site, Resources, and On-Demand Courses. New resources and new courses will be released the first of each month from September, 2022 to June, 2023. Each month we will also convene live to discuss a hot topic and support each other with questions and answers.
Now. The first 50 people to register using the code EARLYBIRD2022 will receive $50.00 off the regular price of $497.00. Initial registration will be open from May 29th to June 5th, 2022.
Payment can be made via Credit Card (Stripe).
The Saskatchewan Student Services Collective was created by Louise Burridge, BScH; BScOT; MEd. Louise has worked as a school-based occupational therapist, a Student Services Coordinator, and as Superintendent of Programs and Instruction at the Ministry of Education. She is on a mission to help Student Support Services Teachers maintain their health and well-being, work smarter, and support the success of all students in school.
The themes in the collective are geared towards elementary and highschool student services teachers.
On the first day of each month, new resources, courses and content will be released. The membership area is available at all times for members to pose questions to other members.
Consider us your personal student support team. We’re here whenever you need that extra support. We can always be reached at louise@outcomestherapy.com or by messaging us within the Saskatchewan Student Services Collective Membership Site.
Absolutely. The resources and supports primarily target student support services teachers, but classroom teachers eager to learn are most welcome.
Absolutely. The resources and supports primarily target student support services teachers, but professional service providers (psychologists, counsellors, SLPs, OTs, and PTs) eager to learn are most welcome.