Category Archives: Move to Learn Mondays

Move to Learn Monday: Catch a Falling Star

It’s Move to Learn, Monday! Today, I am sharing one of my favourite books, How to Catch a Star by Oliver Jeffers. Why is it a favourite you ask? It is a favourite as it allows me to do two great things with kids – 1) move and 2) foster a growth mindset. The term […]

Zingo Movement Break

Move to Learn Mondays are back! Yippee! As an OT, I am frequently asked for ideas for classroom movement breaks. As many of you are aware, I am big fan of embedding movement into curricular activities. However, when you are looking a movement break and you want a little diversity, a great game to have […]

Move to Learn Monday: Tag Bags

It’s Move to Learn Monday! This week, we are highlighting tag bags from Handwriting Without Tears ( Tag bags are a great way to support a child’s ability to manage fasteners (buttons, snaps, velcro, loops, and hooks) and reinforce their learning of basic skills (colours, patterning, numbers). In the clinic, we use our tag bags […]

Move to Learn Monday: Road Letters

What makes Mondays better? Move to Learn Mondays, of course! Today we are focusing on a key strategy to support children’s awareness of letters and their ability to learn to print. They key strategy – follow their interests! As we know, every child is unique. Some children from a very young age, demonstrate a love […]

Move to Learn Monday: Simple Flashcard Hack

As an occupational therapist, I am always looking for ways to combine movement and learning. Learning should be fun. As children are learning to read, a fun activity is to place flashcards on bowling pins and have the child read the word, aim, and fire. To play, kids can read a word and aim for […]

Move to Learn Monday: 19 Fall Movements

It’s Move to Learn Monday! This week we are enjoying the transition to fall. To celebrate, I thought it might be fun to outline 19 Fall Movement Activities for Kids (of all ages). I now have two questions for you: 1. Which of the activities pictured below do you plan to do this fall? 2. […]

Move to Learn Monday: Forget Fidgets

It’s Move to Learn Monday. Over the past few months, there has been literally a firestorm of discussions regarding fidgets. I have also been amazed as when people find out that I am an occupational therapist, one of the first questions they ask me is what I think about fidgets (and specifically what I think […]

Move to Learn Monday: Word Spots

It’s Move to Learn Monday! Today’s strategy literally encourages you to PUT DOWN those flashcards…..put them on the floor that is. While you can use any flashcard in combination with a movement card, the sample provided below are Word Spots from Clever Classroom. I love these cards as they encourage children to read the word […]

Move to Learn Monday: Stick and Stone

It’s Move to Learn Monday! As announced yesterday, OuTcomes Therapy will be highlighting a different way to infuse movement into the classroom each Monday. It is exciting as research shows that movement is key to self-regulation and supports learning and achievement for all – not only kids. We are all healthier and more productive when we move. […]

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